Harsh Choudhary


Name: Harsh Choudhary

Profile: Flutter developer

College: NIET

Degree: BTech

Year: Sophomore

Location: New Delhi


Flutter 80%
Firebase 70%
ReactJs 70%
Provider 80%
C++ 75%
Python 60%
About me

Self taught programmer from a tier-3 college who wants to make it big. Keen person with a curious mind waiting to disrupt the education sector. In love with computers since 12 earlier it was games now it is developement. Strong eye for design and a music maniac. Web and flutter developer i.e. Jack of all trades hoping to be master of some.

Love building complete apps in Flutter and Firebase with well documented, easily readable and efficient code. Looking for such opportunities to contribute in firms. My real key advantage is I don't feel ashamed in asking things again and again to ensure the output is optimal and satisfactory.

Founder and president of the society "CodeTronics" whose main aim is to enhance the coding and circuit designing skills and make students of tier 2-3 colleges aware about the new industrial technologies by conducting various talks, seminars and workshops.


All of the Projects can be found on My github Profile.
Made with ❤️

Skype Clone

Complete clone of skype made using Flutter and Firebase.

CodeTronics Website

Designed and developed Front-end of the official Website.

BMI Calculator

Made beautiful BMI Calculator app in flutter. Inspired by design from dribble.


Beautiful and Clean Weather app in FLutter consuming real API.


Original chat app in Flutter and Firebase. Original design and different idea.
*Still in developement.

Sms Bomb

Made using python can send prank messages upto 150 to single victim using real world APIs.

Work Experience